Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Normal People by Sally Rooney

Normal People by Sally Rooney
Book chosen by Robyn

Sharon's observations :
I started to listen to this book on Audible which was a good thing because I am not sure I would have persevered !  Somehow the narration made the young people seem more sympathetic with the Irish accent.

The way the book is written is sometimes confusing as the dialogue is sometimes a dialogue and sometimes not...

Th main character of Marianne is really sad.  I find it a surprise that Connell is the one to seek professional help after Rob’s suicide while Marianne is really the one who needs help.  What a family !!

I was surprised at the ending but maybe shouldn’t have been because Marianne will never believe she deserves the happiness she has found with Connell. 

I rate this novel 6/10.  It is a disturbing read about damaged young people. Nothing “normal” at all !

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