Thursday, September 7, 2017

This House of Grief

The House of Grief by Helen Garner

Book chosen by Robyn

Comments by Sharon :
Tragic story of real life events. Even though I found some of the court cross examination scenes laboured and tedious, I can't help but need to finish the book to find out what happened. But in the end, I don't think anyone really can be sure what happened even though Robert Farquharson was found guilty of the 3 murders twice.

I wouldn't say that I actually enjoyed reading the book but I do appreciate Helen Garner's attempt to portray this trial truthfully giving us insights into the courtroom personalities. I found the second trial to be more fascinating not least because of Cindy Gambino's change in her belief in Rob's innocence but the extent of the toll all the years since the drownings have had on their lives.

I rate this book 7/10.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday Oct 11th at Melissa's and we will be discussing Picnic at Mount Disappointment by none other than Melissa Bruce herself !!